This is a step by step guide to get your streamroll overlays connected to streamerbot.
You should already have a login if you got this far, but if you haven’t.
You can find the StreamerBot section on the tools tab once you have logged in!
GetRolledValue handles getting the value from the overlay into SB.
SendBasicRoll Sends a set roll to the overlay.
SendTwitchRoll Similar to SendBasicRoll but has already setup components to get the event that triggers this action (channel points, chat command etc) and add that into a basic roll.
Ensure it is the correct websocket server, selecting the wrong will mean this actions cannot operate.
It is currently under the tab “Websocket Server”, please ignore the other websocket related tabs.
You will need to add the listener action GetRolledValue to the setup here.
Ensure the UUID is within the “ “ quotation marks!
The other fields can be customised with other inputs, check out SB’s documentation on adding variables to actions and chaining them together!
Do not delete any of the fields and ensure the export field has at the ”{}” within it!
This is tied to a chat command called !roll, triggers the action and then outputs it with SendRolledValue.
Same roll command, but with SendTwitchRoll
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If you have any more questions or need more support, check out the discord.